A Selling Screw Up That Lost Me $$$

Ignorance IS bliss and part of me wishes I had never found out the truth about an item I sold because I am kicking myself now.

Turns out this weird rock-like ikebana vase that I bought at Goodwill for about $5 (and sold for well under $100) was a David Shaner river rock sculpture that sells for $800-$1200!! The one I listed in my store (on the left) sold in a matter of hours…obviously the buyer knew exactly what it was.

I did do research it beforehand, but not using keywords that brought up anything helpful. I found out this new information from a guy in a Reddit group yesterday.

So today I am SICK about it. My oldest daughter tried to cheer me up this morning and said, “At least you recognized it as a quality piece. Not many people would have bought this.” And I suppose I should be glad that I NOW know about these pieces should I stumble on another one.

But this discovery just makes me realize how much I don’t know! (Even my research didn’t help me on this.) And it’s making me wonder if I’ve seriously undervalued other things I’ve sold. And how many things I’ve passed up buying at thrift stores and estate sales that would have been huge scores. And…

Sigh. Isn’t it easy to get caught up in pointless, negative thinking??

So I’m going to try and “let this go” and instead be grateful for all the blessings in my life. Yes, I am dubbing today “Gratitude Monday.”

And as my daughter also said this morning, “It’s just stuff!” So true. 🙂

Any mistakes you’re willing to share?? Pretty please!


  1. I recently purchased a large lot from a house cleanout. There were many good pieces and some not so good. One of the pieces I didn’t value much sold in my shop for under $10. Turns out a friend bought it and flipped it on Etsy for over $100. I certainly would like to have made more, but I got more than I valued it at. My friend got a good deal because she recognized it for more than I did and I say good for her. I’m just glad I didn’t send it to the landfill.

    You can’t possibly know everything there is to know about all categories of vintage or antique items and selling something undervalued is far less devastating than buying an item you overvalue. As long as I don’t lose money I chalk up miscues to education and carry on.

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  2. Ugh! So sorry Karen. Cheap education, though. A lesson you are not likely to forget! Maybe I won’t, either, having read your post! One thing, besides procrastination and nostalgia, that keeps me from jumping into selling some of my unique belongings is the sense that some of these may well be my inheritance!😂😂.

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    1. Thanks Mary. Mostly it’s just frustrating because I do research stuff after I buy it and I could have done SO MUCH BETTER on this. But “what’s done is done”!! I do understand about the inheritance 🙂


  3. Well, you can’t know everything about the items you find. I’m positive that I have sold things in the past for much less than what they were worth. I like to think I have also scored some sweet deals. It all balances out.

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  4. all the comments made were absolutely right- we all live and learn- and you didn’t lose any money. I would NEVER have recognise/bought the vase- I would have passed it over like everyone else (~ except the one person who knew!) edwina

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