Small Pleasures

I like my pleasures small. Take yesterday. I started the day with great coffee and tasty leftovers for breakfast. I played with words for a blog post. I had the joy of getting my hands in dirt and planting some jasmine. Afterwards I sat in the sun and watched the birds. I had the excitement of selling an amazing, but weird, bird statue that I knew (I knew!) would eventually find a home. I took a nap wrapped in my favorite quilt. Later I had a glass of wine and watched TV with my husband. It was a quiet, slow, lovely sort of day. I liked it very much!

I also take pleasure in small objects. Maybe you do too! Which got me thinking…why do I like small things so much?? Why do I tend to buy more small things? I came up with a few reasons!

dakin-teddybearReason 1: Small Things are Cute

Turns out “cuteness” is powerful. Think about all the times you’ve smiled at a puppy or kitten video. Gosh, babies of any kind are potent!

Our brains make us enjoy looking at cute things by rewarding us with dopamine, a chemical that makes us feel intensely happy. –

That explains a lot. I’m gonna blame dopamine for this recent teddy bear purchase!

Reason 2: Small Things Invite Closer Inspection

You can easily pick them up and look them over, appreciating their detail and beauty. They practically begged to be picked up!

Here’s one of my favorite small things that invites a closer look…a sterling silver creamer loaded with details made by Harrison Bros & Howson (Sheffield, England) in 1885.


Reason 3: Groupings of Small Things are Intriguing

If I walked into a house and saw this set of shelves, I’d make a beeline for it. Maybe it doesn’t appeal to your design aesthetic, but you’ve got to admit it certainly looks interesting.


Reason 4: Small Things Don’t Take Up Much Space

Don’t you just love that! Small things can be displayed in small places and spaces and incorporated easily into existing decor. Here’s one of my favorite mini displays of mementoes and lovely jewelry bits. I keep this crystal dish on my desk where I can appreciate these on a daily basis. The dish is a mere 6″ by 3″.


Enough said!!

I hope you enjoy all the wonderful
small pleasures (and small things) in your life!

(Would love to hear about them.)

A Few Small Things for Sale in My Etsy Store


  1. I use covered clear glass cheese or butter keepers to keep small things. I place them in unexpected places~the bathroom, front entrance table, ect. I also incorporate small and large jewelry pieces in my china cabinets. I like to see my stuff!

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